- MOST ADVANCED CAT DNA TEST – The Basepaws Breed + Health Cat DNA Test gives you answers specific to your cat’s breed composition, traits, and health. Learning more about their unique needs, personality, genetic predispositions, and dental health can help you make proactive choices that support your cat’s health so they live a longer, happier life. Most advanced and comprehensive cat DNA test on the market. As seen on Shark Tank and Ellen’s List.
- BREED AND TRAIT INSIGHTS – Discover your cat’s unique breed composition. Your cat’s DNA report provides analysis of your cat in relation to 21 cat breeds, along with 50 trait markers, a chromosome map. With insights from the report, you can take the guesswork out of your at-home care routine and understand the unique needs of your cat.
- COMMON DISEASE SCREENING – Get peace of mind with the screening of 64 health markers associated with 43 diseases for which your cat may be genetically predisposed. Early detection helps you and your veterinarian get ahead of diseases before they become life-threatening. Cats are experts at hiding illness. This DNA test can help you better understand your cat’s current state of health and potentially avoid costly emergency visits to your veterinarian
- FREE DENTAL HEALTH REPORT – Around 50-90% of all adult cats have dental health issues. Get a FREE Dental Health report on your cat’s risk for periodontal disease, bad breath, and tooth resorption with personalized at-home dental care recommendations. These can help you work with a veterinarian to limit costly dental procedures like tooth extractions and implement preventative care to safeguard against diabetes, chronic kidney and heart disease, and other conditions linked to dental health
- EASY, FAST, IMPACTFUL – Simply swab your cat’s cheek and send your sample back to the U.S.–based Basepaws laboratory. Your report is a “living” document and will update as Basepaws grows its feline genomics database. When you and your cat join the Basepaws Cat Community, you can feel good knowing that a simple swab of their cheek contributes to scientific advancements that improve the lives of ALL cats

Product Description
The Basepaws Cat DNA Test helps cat owners learn about their cat’s breed, health, traits, and habits – all with just a bit of DNA, collected at home. Is your cat a Western Maine Coon? An Eastern Burmese? Or a perfectly adorable “polycat”? Using our world-class database of feline genetics, Basepaws can estimate your tabby’s origins to more than 21 top breed types and four breed regions. Your cat’s DNA will be able to say so many of the things they can’t. Using the latest science we can show if your cat has any health risks in their genes. We have manually curated health markers for every sample we have sequenced and can recognize 38 markers representing 16 genetic diseases including: Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), Retinal degeneration, Myotonia and more. When you join Basepaws, you are joining a community that is constantly evolving. Our database grows larger on a daily basis, so when we have updates for your cat’s report, we send you updates.

Product Description
베이스파우 고양이 DNA 테스트는 고양이 주인들이 집에서 수집한 약간의 DNA로 고양이의 품종, 건강, 특성 및 습관에 대해 배울 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 당신의 고양이는 웨스턴 메인 쿤입니까? 동부 버마 사람입니까? 아니면 완벽하게 사랑스러운 “폴리캣”입니까? 고양이 유전학에 대한 세계적인 데이터베이스를 사용하여 베이스파우는 당신의 고양이의 기원을 21개 이상의 상위 품종 유형과 4개의 품종 지역으로 추정할 수 있습니다. 당신의 고양이의 DNA는 그들이 말할 수 없는 많은 것들을 말할 수 있을 것입니다. 최신 과학을 사용하여 우리는 당신의 고양이가 그들의 유전자에 건강 위험이 있는지 보여줄 수 있습니다. 우리는 배열된 모든 표본에 대해 건강 마커를 수동으로 수정했으며 다음을 포함하여 16개의 유전 질환을 나타내는 38개의 마커를 인식할 수 있습니다. 당신이 베이스파우에 가입하면, 당신은 끊임없이 진화하는 커뮤니티에 가입하는 것입니다. 우리의 데이터베이스는 매일 증가하므로, 우리가 당신의 고양이의 보고서에 대한 업데이트가 있을 때, 우리는 당신에게 업데이트를 보냅니다